โ€œItโ€™s always been like thisโ€ sighs Anya โ€“ โ€œshit coffee in here, gourmet shit out there. I mean you can go out there and help yourself if you like, in theory. But you better believe all those fuckers are gonna stare at you, like โ€˜who the fuck does she think she is?โ€™ Thereโ€™s this invisible line and clearly weโ€™re on this side of it. I mean sometimes I would love a nice fucking coffee yโ€™know? But itโ€™s not fucking worth it, Iโ€™ve got enough shit to deal with. Besides at least this stuff is quick โ€“ I donโ€™t need to to stand there doing barista shit, waiting around like a fucking idiot.โ€
I take a sip of my lukewarm coffee and nod attentively. Sheโ€™s right, itโ€™s weak and tastes more like filter paper and plastic than it does like coffee.
โ€œYou want a top up?โ€ she asks, waving the nearly-empty jug.
โ€œYeah sure, why notโ€.
She empties the last of the pale brown liquid into my mug, tipping it completely upside down and shakling the dregs out.
โ€œYou see that guy out there?โ€ she points the jug at the star of the production. The guy must be in his 50โ€™s by now but heโ€™s still looking pretty good, heโ€™s a household name. Rogueish, bit of a silver fox, you know the guy. Obviously I canโ€™t say his name because of the circumstances but you know him.
โ€œYeah I see him, of course I see him, heโ€™s the star of the showโ€
โ€œExactly! And you and I, and probably everyone else here knows heโ€™s a grade A cunt. So how come he gets to parade around out there earning the big bucks and drinking the good coffee? Iโ€™m not mad about my job, I like my job. I just think itโ€™s fucking bullshit that thereโ€™s this collossal divide between me and you, and him. Like, he canโ€™t ever be working that much harder, or be that much more talented, to possibly deserve that much more than the average person, itโ€™s just not realistic. Sure he might be a great actor, personally I think heโ€™s fine, not great. But Iโ€™m great at makeup, Iโ€™m good with people yโ€™know, I can put people at ease for hours on end while Iโ€™m doing some pretty uncomfortable shit to themโ€
I snort at little at this and she narrows her eyes.
โ€œYeah, okay, grow up you fucker. What I mean is โ€“ who decides which jobs get paid the most. Why is a Hollywood makeup artist not paid the same as a Hollywood actor? Both skilled trades, both necessary for the production, but here I am drinking this shit and heโ€™s probably got a fucking fancy machine in his trailer or something. Fuck it, itโ€™s bullshitโ€.
โ€œWell yeahโ€ I say โ€œcould be worse though, youโ€™re still getting paid decent bucks to stand around talking shit and drinking coffee, maybe just donโ€™t worry about it, read a book or something, play some games on your phone instead, just enjoy the perks of late-stage capitalismโ€
Anya sighs again and stares up at the ceiling, fixing on the flourescent light fittings.
โ€œYeah I know. Sometimes I wish I didnโ€™t care about it, but I do though. Itโ€™s as though somewhere, deep down, I might actually have some morals or a sense of right and wrongโ€
โ€œWeird, why would you do that?โ€
โ€œWho knows, terrible idea, never did me any goodโ€
โ€œExactly. Anyway, Iโ€™d rather be back here with you than out thereโ€
She stops, screws up her face, turns and squints at me incredulously
โ€œWhat? Why?โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t know, I think itโ€™s better to be out here, unseen. I think if you spend your life constantly being watched, then how can you ever really be sure youโ€™re not just performing for the audience? If everything about you, including your private life is in the papers, and everyone you meet is constantly comparing you to the fantasy version of you theyโ€™ve made up in their heads, or watching you for something they can report later to TMZ. Everything about your life is a performance then โ€“ youโ€™re a character in the world. Also, youโ€™re a character in everyone elseโ€™s lives, not just your own. Think about it. You and I are aware of him, everyone is aware of him. But heโ€™s not aware of everyone. Thatโ€™s a power imbalance, thereโ€™s something cosmically fucking dangerous about that as a concept. I canโ€™t explain it, but you know it as well as I do. Itโ€™s like his whole self is dispersed among all these other people that are aware of him, and the expectations they have. Imagine how confusing that must be, what effectโ€“โ€
She raises her finger to interrupt โ€“ โ€œYeah maybe, but you donโ€™t know that. Youโ€™re assuming that he thinks about all this in the same way you do. For all you know, his internal monologue could just be โ€˜hurr durr I love being famous, I love money and fucking, burr hurr durrโ€™โ€
โ€œYeah thatโ€™s right, Iโ€™m making assumptions, youโ€™re making assumptions. Weโ€™re all making assumptions about that guy, but heโ€™s not making assumptions about us. Donโ€™t you think thatโ€™s weird? Like, the psychic energy or something of that, all that fucking awareness and attention must have an effect somehow. I think weโ€™re all connected in some way, and being seen like that just seems like an anomaly. I mean back in the old days before the internet or the press or whatever, nobody would ever have that much attention focussed on them. Weโ€™re not built for it.
โ€œUh-huh but weโ€™re not built for any of this really, I wasnโ€™t built to drive a car that does 100 miles per hour on the freeway, you think Iโ€™m supposed to be flying down the freeway in metal tin every day? No! Iโ€™m probably supposed to be picking berries off of trees or some shit. But it doesnโ€™t affect me in some spiritual way. Itโ€™s not against god or the natural order or somethingโ€
โ€œIsnโ€™t it? I mean, doesnโ€™t it feel like something is a bit off with the modern world? Doesnโ€™t all this relentless progress just feel a bit manic and fucked up?โ€
โ€œI feel a bit manic and fucked upโ€
I cock my head at her impatiently.
โ€œI know youโ€™re joking but I also know you know what I meanโ€.
Anya smiles patiently and sets her coffee down in a clean spot between the used baby wipes, brushes and dirty Q-tips.
โ€œEither way, Iโ€™d still rather be out there than in hereโ€.
We both turn to watch. Her; perched on the edge of the table, leaning for a better view. Me; legs folded over each other uncomfortably on the slightly-too-low stool. The director calls for quiet on the set, thereโ€™s a thick silence as the camera dollies in to focus on the star, his big speech begins.
โ€œCan you hear anything?โ€
Any turns her head, straining to pick anything out.
โ€œFrom here, fuck all, something about how we all need to stick together maybe? My fellow Americans, looks like that kind of thingโ€.
From our position in makeup it looks like sheโ€™s right, his suit is immaculate, he looks concerned, but firm and steadfast. The look of someone attempting to acknowledge just how serious and dangerous the situation is. While at the same time reassuring us that everything is under control and thereโ€™s nothing to worry about. The impossible paradox of politics resolved into a dependable square jaw and loosely-clenched fist.


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